Wednesday Devotional 6/17/2020

Hannah’s Prayer for a child. (1 Samuel 1:13)

Thank you, for joining me again this Wednesday, as we study the prayers of people in the Bible. Today we move into 1 Samuel for our study.


Hannah was Elkanah’s first wife. Since she was barren, a second wife was added. The sad consequences of Elkanah’s multiple wives are normal. Peninnah was jealous of the special love shown to Hannah and became proud and haughty. She made Hannah’s defect a ground for constant insult. Hannah did not angrily retaliate but patiently endured the cruelties. Hannah’s sorrow was increased each year when the annual sacrifice at Shiloh occurred. Finally her burden became too great. The stress, shame, and self-recrimination drove her to the tabernacle. At the gate sat the high priest Eli. Hannah entered the court and began pouring out her soul to God in silent prayer. Eli gave her his prayer-wish that a child would be born to her. Hannah went to Elkanah and immediately shared the news with him. Together they rejoiced in the assurance of an answered prayer.

Lessons to Learn:

Note specific trait of character and attitude combine to erect a lasting Prayer life.

  • The Trait of Faith in God  

1. When in doubt and despair Hannah turned to God (1:9-18; 2:1-10).

2. She prayed a strong and intense prayer to God (1:10, 15).

3. She sought God’s blessings as she cast her cares upon Him (1:11).

4. She accepted personal responsibility to do something (1:11).

5. She had resolved to work and trust in God’s provisions (1:11, 12, 22).

6. She had convictions, trust, faith, and resolve in prayer’s potential.

Questions to ponder:

  • Why did God remember her? (1:11). Discuss Obedience to the Lord.
  • What consolation is there in this?  (Romans 8:28; 1 Corinthians 10:13; Psalm 34:15-20)
  • Do you ever feel that God has abandoned you? Psalm 37:28, Deuteronomy 4:31; Genesis 19:29; Psalm 50:15.

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