Moses’ Intercession

Exodus 32:1-13

Background: God had worked wonders to get Israel out of bondage in Egypt. The plagues and the parting of the Red Sea demonstrated God’s Omnipotence.

In this text Moses had gone up to Mt Sinai, and there God was giving the Ten Commandments, but while Moses delayed, Israel displayed a fickle faith. They made a god for themselves, in the form of a golden calf, and instead of worshipping God, they bowed to the idol.

God was ready to destroy them. BUT, MOSES INTERCEDES for them.

Lessons to learn:

  • Without constant vigil, it takes only a short time before people who once praised God for his greatness, forget him, and seek to worship other gods.
  • Moses took the side of the Israelites, as a lawyer in a courtroom that comes to the defense of an accused client. He presents three arguments to persuade God not to carry out His plan.
  • “Remember what you have done.”He wanted God to remember what He had done for Israel so that He might be less inclined to destroy what he had graciously redeemed.
  • “Consider what others will say.” – Moses indicates that the “Egyptians” knew who delivered the Israelites, If God now destroyed Israel they would doubt His good intentions. Moses said “Think of your reputation”
  • “Do not forget your promises.”- God had made promises to the patriarchs and they included “descendants “and a “land.” Moses seemed to be saying “If you wipe out all the people, these specific promises will not be fulfilled.”

Questions To Ponder:

  • Is it easier to pray for God to give people what they deserve, or ask that God stay his anger and punishment? (Luke  23:34)
  • Who do you know that might need for you to pray such a prayer for them?


  • How confident are you that God might just change his mind if you would just pray about some things? (32;14) (2 Pet 3:9)
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