7/1/2020 Wednesday Devotional

David’s Prayer of Praise for God’s Kingdom – 2 Samuel 7:18-29

Background:  2 Samuel 7 is one of the most famous Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah. It is no small comfort to reflect that the dispositions of our hearts are noticed by God, and, if good, are well-pleasing in his sight. David had conceived a wish and determination to build a house for God, so that the ark, which was the symbol of the divine presence, might no more dwell within curtains, while he was dwelling in a house of cedar

Lessons to Learn:

  • When a king came to the throne, it was common for them to build a house for their god to thank them for getting them to the throne and then try to make the god happy enough that the god would establish their kingdom forever.
  • The order in every other religion in the ancient world was, “King builds temple for God; beauty of temple makes God famous in the land; God thanks king by giving him a strong kingdom.”
  • This order, which is the order of every religion in the world, is here rejected by God. God’s order is, “My power establishes you. People marvel at my grace and power in your life. You live in grateful response to me. You are always the debtor.”  –
  •  Study- (1 Chronicles 17:4-8)
  • God had other priorities for David: David was to build the empire, and he was to build his family. Then his son Solomon would build the temple.
  • Second Samuel 7 also teaches that when God says “no,” sometimes it is because He has something better in mind. After God told David what He would do for Israel, He said: “The Lord also declares to you that the Lord will make a house for you” (v. 11).
  • Two promises were given to David: (1) his son would build the temple, and (2) his dynasty would continue forever. David understood the first of these promises to refer to Solomon. The fulfillment of the second promise went far beyond the days of Solomon, as descendants of David reigned on the throne of Judah.
  • “Jesus Christ the righteous” (1 John 2:1) was the fulfillment of those prophecies. The Gospel according to Matthew begins, “The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David” As a descendant of King David, Jesus came to establish an everlasting kingdom, a spiritual kingdom that would never be destroyed. After Jesus’ resurrection, He ascended back to heaven and sat down on “David’s throne. “King Jesus is there ruling over His kingdom, the church, even today.


  • If I had been David, after Nathan told me that I would not be allowed to build the temple, it would not have mattered that the Lord had something better in mind.

How would you have responded? – Explore – 2 Sam 7:17-18

  • How many times did David refer to “himself” as a servant?
  • (Explore)-  Psalm 132 is a summary of 2 Samuel 7. Psalm 89 is also on the covenant made with David in 2 Samuel 7
  • God is building an eternal kingdom. It will last forever. Are you part of that?
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