5/20/2020 Wednesday Devo

Moses’ prayer for God’s Presence

Ex 33:12- 34:9


Chapter 33 forms a sequel to the tragic events of idolatry and the ensuing judgment of God upon the people recorded in chapter 32. God demonstrates the reality of His relationship with Moses by speaking with him “face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend” 33.11. There was no doubt about the closeness of their intimacy. Moses then speaks to the Lord and makes a very specific request. In almost all of Moses’ prayers, he asks for specific answers.

Read 33:12-14, Moses asks the Lord to show him His way, so that he might know Him. Moses understands that he can only get to know God by getting to know His plan for the future of the nation. When God reveals His plan for the future, He is, in effect, revealing Himself.

Read 34:1-9, God has granted Moses’ request and shown him His glory, 34.5-7. Moses immediately bowed towards the ground and worshipped. In his prayer, he asks for the Lord to be among His people, grant forgiveness, and retain them as His inheritance.

Lessons to learn:

  • The answer to the prayer of 33:12, 13 is in v.14 when God replied, “My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest”. God is telling Moses that he can be sure he knows God when he enjoys God’s presence with him. The same applies to us today: we can be sure we know God when we experience and enjoy His presence daily.
  • As we get to know the plan God has for our lives through His Word, we are getting to know more about Him. There is no other way to know God experimentally than through the knowledge of His desires and obedience to His will for our lives.
  • Even though God had graciously answered Moses’ earlier prayer, he takes nothing for granted. Such is the attitude of a reverent saint, even though he has spoken very plainly and intimately with the Lord, he dare not presume upon Divine grace. Neither should we. However often God answers our prayers, we should always approach Him in reverence and with recognition of His grace.
  • The lack of God’s presence is symbolic of God’s rejection of sin and rebellion of man.
  • Those who flee from God’s presence cheat themselves out of access to God in difficult times.

Questions to ponder:

  • Why do you feel that God is not near?
  • What qualities of God have you noticed when He showed himself to Moses?
  • Are there things in your life that can distance you from God?
  • Is there a way to avoid distancing ourselves from God?
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