4/29/2020 Wednesday Devotional


Praising The Lord For Deliverance – Exodus 15:1-18


The first part of Ch.15 consists of the song that Moses and the Israelites sang after the Lord had delivered them through the Red Sea.

Every Israelite that came out of Egypt under Moses’ leadership had only ever known bondage. Now upon release, Moses leads them in a song of praise. What an experience it must have been to stand with the millions that were there, and to hear them sing their praise to God.

Lessons to learn:

  • Worship in General, and praise in song in particular, is always an appropriate response to being saved.
  • This can be seen in other passages in both the Old Testament and New Testament (Ps 98:1-5; 149:1-4; Acts 16:25; Rom15:9, Col3:16; Heb 13:15; Rev15:3).
  • In Vs 2-3, the poet provided the first installment of his description of the Lord’s person….. “Strength and Song,” “his salvation” and a “warrior,” who by implication, fights for His people.    (KJV- “a man of war”)
  • This word adds something to the reader’s understanding of God.
  • The song of deliverance proclaims that He always wins the battle.
  • Let us make sure that we are not His enemies so that He will not destroy us!
  • 2 Corinthians 5:20 “We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God.”

Questions To Ponder:

  • What is God like? (Note the Descriptions of God in this section of Scripture)
  • How do you see God today as a “warrior” in this Pandemic we are facing?
  • What is He is showing you and me in the circumstances of life around you?
  • If you were to sing a song like Moses and the Israelite’s, what would the content of the song be?
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