4/22/2020 Wednesday Devotional

    God and Moses Kind of Prayer (Ex 3:1 – 4:18)


Exodus Ch 3-4

Moses, born to Hebrew parents, hidden in a basket, rescued by the Pharaoh’s daughter, raised as a prince of Egypt, found himself at 80 years of age, a poor shepherd in a barren land.

Having fled because he had killed an Egyptian task- master to protect a fellow Hebrew, Moses had settled into his new life, and for 40 years had been a shepherd.

Now, God needs him for His own purpose and plan. Several chapters following this one record the conversations that God had with Moses.

Lessons to learn:

  • Moses lived his life in such close communion with heaven that he was continually conversing with his God. For Moses, prayer seemed to be the immediate action in every situation; whether in joy, sorrow, trial or triumph, he spoke with his God.
  • Dialog between a person praying and God who responds is an important concept about prayer.
  • Doubt often stems from our feeling of personal inadequacy, as it did with Moses.
  • But note that doubt in Moses was a driving force in his dialog with God.

Questions To Ponder:

  1. Do you ever have doubts about serving God?_________________________
  • How can we “dialog” with God? And how often do we?________________
  • Do you have doubts that God could use you in His Kingdom?___________

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