4/12/2020 Sunday Sermon

Christian Warfare

4/12/2020 Sermon-Christian Warfare

Ephesians 6:12

12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.

   “CHRISTIAN WARFARE”   (Eph 6:12)   4/12/20

Intro:    Last week – God’s call to stand (Eph 6:10-11)

Bible describes a Christian:   Builder – Luk 14:28-30,   Farmer –   Mt 13:1-23  

Athlete –   2 Tim 4:7,   Soldier – Eph 6:13-17.

Ephesians –   Ch.1-3 (Doctrine)   Ch. 4-6 (Duty of Christian)

To the original readers – Ch. 6 is a jolt – a slap on the face.

The ugly blood and grime of war with the Devil

  2. The struggle is Personal “ __________” (hand to hand), the root idea here is swaying back and forth while locked in mortal battle, sweat against sweat, and breath against breath
  3. Paul is specific about the nature of our evil opponents. (6:12)
  4. _________ (enthroned evil powers).    Note:  Dan (10; 12, 13-20)
  5. _________  (Col 1:13)
  6. _____________ (against the worlds rulers of this darkness)
  7. _____________________(reign and rule of Christ) (1:3 , 2:6)
  8. 1 Jhn 5:19,   Acts 26:18,  2 Cor 4:4,  James 4:7
  9. He is powerful –   So Paul says be prepared to put on the armor.

           EXPLORE: We can see the effects of the spirit world even in our own life …

  • Do you ever look back a certain time in your life, some decision you made, and you ask, “What could I have been thinking?” “What came over me?”
  • For some of you, you’re dealing with it right now. There’s something more to what you’re dealing with than just flesh and blood.
  • The timing and the strengths of the temptations is just too good and too strong (you want to shake some destructive habit and you just can’t…)
  • In view of these Cosmic realities, about Satan’s powers, note Christ’s transcending powersCol 2:13-15      (Load of applications here!)


  • Jesus our warrior King has defeated Satan at the cross and rose from the grave.

(Rom 1:4)

  • Because He lives we have no fear.      Acts 2:32
  • One day we will be raised. (1 Cor 15:20f), death is not the end.
  • We celebrate and remember Jesus every Lord’s day  (1 Cor 15:3-4, Acts 20:7)


        Do you believe Jesus died on the cross and literally rose from the grave?READ – Rom 10:9, Rom 6:1-4    Have you obeyed the gospel?

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